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crustaceo gigante de tristar kaiju es marino como titanosaurus godzilla y manda giant crustaceus

(クラスタシオスレックス?, Kurasutashiosu Rekkusu) is a crustacean mutation kaiju created by TriStar that first appeared in the 1998 Godzilla: The Series episode, New Family: Part 2.


A sea dwelling mutation, C-Rex claimed its home in the waters around Jamaica. Feeding on the Giant Squids and their captured prey, the monster made no attacks against humankind until Zilla Junior and H.E.A.T. destroyed the last of its food source. Bursting from the waves it headed toward the city. Gun fire was useless against it, but soon it was face to face with Zilla, the ultimate mutation. The two clashed with H.E.A.T and the newly arriving United States forces watching. As they fought tooth and nail from the depths of the sea to the top of a cliff, the fight would soon end. Zilla burrowed through the rock, weakening the ground beneath their feet. C-Rex fell first, buried under tons of rocks after Zilla blasted its tentacles off. The rocks then fell under his weight, but Zilla would get up right away.

C-Rex was thought to be dead, but he’d make a great return sooner rather than later. Discovered in the depths by the Tachyon aliens, C-Rex was summoned to Site Omega and placed under their demand. He was instructed to rip London apart and that he did until being freed from control by H.E.A.T. He took the fight to the aliens and was punished for these actions. Defeated by the alien armada, Crustaceous Rex once again escaped death and was placed back on Site Omega by the Earth’s armies. The island would now be used as a monster haven, a place where they could live in peace and be studied by the curious scientists.

Given its own area of the island and isolated from the rest of the mutants by a force barrier, C-Rex was soon released by the monsters rights terrorist organization known as S.C.A.L.E. He, along with King Cobra, the Giant Bat, and the newly arriving Skeetera quickly got into a four way brawl between both C-Rex and King Cobra were imprisoned once again.


  • Crustaceous Rex has tentacles on its mouth and chest for constricting and immobilizing opponents.
  • Crustaceous Rex has an Ink Blast attack to blind enemies with.



  • C-Rex is one of the few monsters to naturally feed on other kaiju.
  • A prototype of the Trendmasters C-Rex figure exists.
Godzilla Film Monsters AnguirusGodzilla JuniorBaragonBattraBiollanteDestoroyahDoratEbirahGabaraGiant CondorGiant LizardGiant OctopusGiganGodzillaGodzillasaurusGorosaurusHedorahJet JaguarKamacurasKamoebasKing CaesarKing GhidorahKing KongKumongaKiryuMandaMechaGodzilla 1/Fake GodzillaMechaGodzilla 2Mecha-King GhidorahMegaguirusMegalonMeganulonM.U.T.O.OrgaMinillaM.O.G.U.E.R.A.Monster X/Keizer GhidorahMothraRodan/Fire RodanSpaceGodzillaTitanosaurusVaranZilla
Other Toho Monsters MogueraMagumaDogoraGezoraGanimesFrankensteinSandaGairaGiant Sea SerpentMechani-KongMothra LeoDesghidorahRainbow MothraAqua MothraLight Speed MothraArmor MothraEternal MothraGaru-GaruDagahraCretaceous King GhidorahGrand King GhidorahAmano ShiratoriKumasogamiKaishin MubaOrochiUtsuno Ikusagami
Non-Toho Monsters King KongCloverGfantisGuilalaPulgasarriRhedosaurus
Kadokawa/Daiei Monsters GameraBarugonGyaosVirasGuironJigerZigraLegionIrysTotoZedusDaimajin
Godzilla: The Series Monsters Zilla JuniorMutant Giant SquidCrustaceous RexNanotech CreatureEl Gusano GiganteCyber FlyGiant RatCryptocleidusReptilianCracklerGiant Mutant BeeQuetzalcoatlIce BorerNessieRobo-YetiKing CobraGiant Mutant TermitesGiant BatCyber-Zillathe ChameleonGiant LobstersBacillusGiant Mutant Widow SpiderSub-Zero MantaTechno-SentientSilver HydraDNA MimicLizard SlayersGiant Sea AnemoneThe Swamp BeastThe Fire MonsterNorzzug, the Living StatueGiant Mutant HummingbirdMutant Mania MonstersMegapedeTs-eh-Go and the Mutant ScorpionsArmillariathe ShrewsterSkeeteraMutant JellyfishD.R.A.G.M.A.Giant TurtleKomodithraxArea 51 MutationsDeep-DwellerThe Giant CentipedeThe Giant Water BeetleRhinosaurus
Godzilla Power Hour Monsters GodzillaGodzookyFire BirdEarth EaterStone CreatureMegavolt MonstersSeaweed MonsterEnergy BeastColossusCyclops CreatureSiren SistersChimeraMinotaurMagnetic MonsterBreeder BeastGreat WatchukaDiplodocusTime DragonPower DragonGiant SquidGiant FlyAxorGiant OctopusGiant Manta RayCyborg WhaleGiant AntGiant BeeGiant Black WidowGiant BeetleGravity GoliathMagma LizardGolden Guardians
Book Monsters SasoriGiant AntsGopherArmieGeckoGilaChuckRattlerYellowback
Comic and Manga Monsters Godzilla (Marvel)Godzilla (Dark Horse)Godzilla (IDW)KamerusLord Howe MonsterRed RoninStrangerYetrigarHero ZeroBagorahBatragonCentiporGhilaronLepiraxThe Beta-BeastTriaxRhiahnKrollarAll-TerraintulaBurtannusCybersaurGekido-jinRobotic Devil DinosaurInagosSoranTricephalonUnnamed Marvel MonstersSea BaragonUnnamed Irradiated Bird

Monsters from Video Games Super GodzillaBaganSphectraMister MeringueMechatronThe GlogTarantusBalkzardanBarugaronJyarumuRazinShiiganVagnosaurusBeta GodzillaMGR-IIndSMG-IIndObsidiusKrystalakThe Sphinx
Television Monsters Zone FighterZone Fighter MonstersNeo HedorahMedical Jet JaguarFire Fighter Jet JaguarBlack MechaGodzillaSuper Special SpaceGodzilla High Grade Type TwoHyper Mecha-King GhidorahGororin
Unmade Monsters RedmoonErabusHafunWyvernGarasharpMarukobukarappaMoguMajin TuolGaruganBaganDeutaliosGigamothMechaMothraGhost GodzillaBarubaroiGryphonProbe BatDogolasUnused Godzilla: The Series MonstersGiant MosasaurDeathlaLightning BugFire LionThe Visitor
Era Icon - Toho
Era Icon - Godzilla The Series