Godzilla Wiki
Image gallery for Desghidorah

Desghidorah as he is seen in Rebirth of Mothra (click to enlarge)
Demonic Spatial Three-Headed Dragon
Death Ghidorah

50 meters
100 meters
80 meters
75,000 tons

Land Form
Flying Form

Mothra Leo
Controlad@ por
Cread@ por
Masumi Suetani,
Tomoyuki Tanaka
Interpretad@ por
Mizuho Yoshida

Primera aparición
Rebirth of Mothra
Última aparición
Rebirth of Mothra
Más rugidos

DesghidorahDesghidorah (デスギドラ?, Desugidora) is a Ghidorah created by Toho that first appeared in the 1996 Toho film, Rebirth of Mothra.


Heisei Series[]

Rebirth of Mothra[]

Millions of years ago, Desghidorah first appeared in Mars, destroying it and turning it into a wasteland. It then flew to planet Earth with more intent to destroy it. It began attacking the planet, but it was met with a revolt. A race called the Elias, small human-like beings, sent Mothra to defeat him. The battle was fought for a very long time, and the Elias' civilization as nearly destroyed. Desghidorah was defeated and locked away in a chamber so no one could ever release him.

In the year 1997, a company is clearing out a forest when a worker stumbled across a buried structure with ancient writing on it. The worker took a small pendant from the stone, and gave it to his daughter as a gift. Not long after, the Girl was visited by Belvera, one of the last surviving members of the Elias. The other survivors, Moll and Laura, came to try and take the pendant, which was called "The seal of Elias." The seal would awaken and release Desghidorah, and Belvera would try to control it.

Belvera went to the Desghidorah's tomb, and caused it to rise from the ground. She managed to break it open, and Desghidorah was released. Desghidorah rose from the tomb and began to absorb energy from the forest around him.

Moll and Laura sent Mothra to defeat him, but she was quickly overpowered. Her egg hatched prematurely, into Mothra Leo, and he came to save his mother. Even the combined efforts of Mothra and Leo, they couldn't defeat it. Mothra flew off with her child and died over the ocean.

Leo wanted revenge, and he formed a cocoon and turned into his Imago form. Desghidorah harvested all the energy he could, then regrew his wings. Mothra Leo flew after the monster, and fought him with all his might. After a long battle, Mothra Leo destroyed Desghidorah, and returned to his island.


Land Form[]

  • Desghidorah 4

    Desghidorah's fire in Rebirth of Mothra

    Desghidorah can emit Hell's Flame from the mouth of his middle head.
  • Desghidorah spits Lava Gout Energy Bolts from the mouths of all three of his heads.
  • Desghidorah is able to perform a Shock Pulse.
  • Desghidorah can unleash a Powerful Shockwave released from all over his body.
  • Desghidorah can send a Red Electric Surge through his bites.
  • Desghidorah is able to do a Fiery Prye Road by causing the ground to split open & release flames from within the earth.

Flying Form[]

  • Desghidorah flies at the speed of Mach 23.
  • Desghidorah can release Hurricane Winds from his wings.
  • Desghidorah can emit Hell's Flame from the mouth of his middle head.
  • Desghidorah spits Lava Gout Energy Bolts from the mouths of all three of his heads.
  • Desghidorah is able to perform a Shock Pulse.
  • Desghidorah can unleash a Powerful Shockwave released from all over his body.
  • Desghidorah can send a Red Electric Surge through his bites.
  • Desghidorah is able to do a Fiery Prye Road by causing the ground to split open & release flames from within the earth.

Video Game Appearances[]

  • Godzilla Trading Battle


Main article: Gallery:Desghidorah.


Desghidorah's roars were adapted from elephant trumpeting. The roars were later reused for the Ultraman Tiga monster Gatanozoa.


  • Desghidorah's wings bare a striking resemblance to Destoroyah's.
  • Desghidorah has many resemblances to Keizer Ghidorah, as they are both four-legged, and, in their first forms, wingless.
Toho Company, Limited Monster
Monstruos de la serie Showa de Godzilla GodzillaAnguirusGiant LizardDaidakoKing KongMothraMystery Bones of Infant IslandRodanKing GhidorahEbirahDaikondoruKamacurasMinillaKumongaMandaGorosaurusBaragonVaranGabaraManeaterHedorahGiganJet JaguarMegalonFake Godzilla/MechaGodzillaKing CaesarTitanosaurus
Monstruos de la serie Heisei de Godzilla Godzillasaurus/GodzillaShockirusBiollanteDorat/King Ghidorah/Mecha-King GhidorahBattraMothraMechaGodzillaRodanGodzilla JuniorFairy MothraSpaceGodzillaM.O.G.U.E.R.A.Destoroyah
Monstruos de Godzilla Island GodzillaRodanMothraMothra LeoKing CaesarGodzilla JuniorAnguirusBaragonGorosaurusMechaGodzillaMogueraProto-MogueraJet JaguarMedical Jet JaguarFire Fighter Jet JaguarGiganDestoroyahMegalonBattraSpaceGodzillaKing GhidorahFake GodzillaHedorahMecha-King GhidorahDogoraBlack MechaGodzillaKamacurasDororinGororinSuper Special SpaceGodzilla High Grade Type TwoNeo HedorahHyper Mecha-King Ghidorah
Monstruos de la serie Millennium de Godzilla GodzillaMillennianOrgaMeganulonMegaguirusBaragonMothraKing GhidorahKiryuKamoebasMandaRodanZillaAnguirusKing CaesarKamacurasKumongaMinillaEbirahGiganHedorahMonster X
Monstruos de la serie Legendary GodzillaM.U.T.O.King GhidorahMothraRodanKing Kong
Monstruos fuera de la serie de Godzilla SnowmanMeganulonRodanMogueraVaranOrochiMothraVampire PlantMagumaMandaMatangoDogoraFrankensteinBaragonGiant OctopusGairaSandaMechani-KongGorosaurusKing KongGiant Sea SerpentDaigoroGoliathGezoraGanimesKamoebasAmano ShiratoriKumasogamiKaishin MubaUtsuno IkusagamiDesghidorahMothra LeoFairy MothraGaru GaruGhogoBaremDagahraGrand GhidorahPrimitive MothraZillaBaby ZillaZilla Junior
Monstruos de videojuegos Super GodzillaBaganThe GlogMechatronSphectraTarantusMister MeringueBalkzardanBarugaronJyarumuRazinShiiganVagnosaurusBeta GodzillaGiant Doctor SerizawaMGR-IIndSMG-IIndObsidiusKrystalakThe Sphinx
Monstruos cancelados RedmoonErabusHafunMoguMajin TuolGaruganBaganDeutaliosGigamothMechaMothraGhost GodzillaBarubaroiGryphonProbe BatDogolasGiant MosasaurDeathlaLightning BugFire LionThe Visitor


Era Icon - Toho
Era Icon - Heisei
Era Icon - Desghidorah