Godzilla Wiki
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===''[[Godzilla Island (Series)|Godzilla Island]]''===
===''[[Godzilla Island (Series)|Godzilla Island]]''===
[[File:Cast_gigan.jpg|thumb|right|200px|Gigan in ''[[Godzilla Island (Series)|Godzilla Island]]'']]In ''[[Godzilla Island (TV series)|Godzilla Island]]'' episodios 31-40, cuando [[Zaguresu]] consigue malestar sobre los informes de sus fallos al leer un periódico, un [[M espacio cazador nebulosa Aliens| M espacio nebulosa cazador Alien]] se arrastra a la vista y dice [[Zaguresu]] que está aquí para ayudar a su conquista [[isla de Godzilla (ubicación) | Isla de Godzilla, la M espacio cazador nebulosa Aliens| M espacio nebulosa cazador Alien]] presenta Gigan a [[Zaguresu]], que impresionó a ella y Gigan cabezas a la tierra. Cuando [[Godzilla]] ve Gigan, Gigan niveles inicia una exploración en [[Godzilla]] y tiene éxito en hacerlo, Gigan y se prepara para dejar ya [[Torema]] llega a la escena, pero Gigan vuela sobre la nave de [[Torema]] [[Zaguresu]] se molestó cuando Gigan no incomodan para luchar. Gigan después dispara una flecha con una nota atada a él a [[isla de Godzilla (ubicación) | Isla de Godzilla]] desde el espacio, resulta que la nota decía que Gigan ha desafiado [[Godzilla]] a una batalla al amanecer, así [[Godzilla]] se dirige hacia fuera a batalla, sólo para ser parado por [[César Rey]], que entonces advierte [[Godzilla]] eso Gigan es demasiado fuerte y tiene que preparar antes de la batalla, pero [[Godzilla]] ruge desafío, entonces nos lleva a [[Torema]] [[Godzilla]] para escuchar , pero [[Godzilla]] las marchas pasadas [[rey Caesar]] negándose a escuchar. [[Godzilla]] finalmente alcanza el sitio de batalla y encuentra Gigan espera. Los dos monstruos entonces comienzan a esperar toda la noche antes de atacar, cuando sale el sol, Gigan refleja la luz del sol de su garra, cegador [[Godzilla]] por la reflexión. Gigan ve su oportunidad y comienza a cargar en el [[Godzilla]], para que [[Godzilla]] recuperar su vista, causando Gigan detener su carga y saltar hacia donde empezó atacando desde. [[Zaguresu]] comienza consiguiendo frustrada que Gigan no es luchar contra Godzilla, por lo que llama [[Battra]], sólo para que Gigan disparar su rayo de Cluster en [[Battra]]. El [[M espacio nebulosa de Hunter Aliens| Alien M espacio nebulosa cazador Alien]] entonces asegura [[Zaguresu]] que puede derrotar a Gigan [[Godzilla]] por cuenta propia. [[Godzilla]] y Gigan que enfrentar como todo el mundo espera en anticipación. Cuando un deslizamiento de tierra cae entre [[Godzilla]] y Gigan, los dos monstruos empiezan a cargar, pero por desgracia, [[Godzilla]] va hacia abajo, para sorpresa de todos. Gigan entonces acerca al caído [[Godzilla]] [[Mothra]] aparece repentinamente, y ataques Gigan con sus escamas, entonces [[Rodan]] aparece, coge [[Godzilla]] y vuela lejos con [[Godzilla]] [[Mothra]] sigue. Gigan relojes, pero da vuelta lejos como escapes de [[Godzilla]]. En el spa curativo [[rey]] del César, admite [[Godzilla]] de [[rey Caesar]] que él no estaba listo para hacer frente a Gigan y debe haber escuchado en primer lugar. [[Rey Caesar]] entonces dice [[Godzilla]] que necesitaba usar poderes nunca se utilizó para derrotar a Gigan y puede entrenar [[Godzilla]] Cómo utilizar esos poderes. Gigan aparece, mucho que [[Godzilla]] y la sorpresa de [[rey]] del César. No atacó, pero en su lugar, disfruta del spa de agua caliente, como [[Godzilla]] y [[rey Caesar]] ver. Gigan entonces se levanta de la spa y desafíos [[Godzilla]] al amanecer para la batalla final, y [[Godzilla]] acepta reto de Gigan. Antes de su batalla final, [[Godzilla]] se ve meditando en [[Rodan]] por, acerca de [[rey Caesar]] [[Godzilla]] sigue a meditar. [[Rey Caesar]] aprovecha energía interna [[]] de Godzilla, y luego se aleja. Al día siguiente, [[Godzilla]] ha alcanzado el lugar de la batalla, y Gigan vuela en posición de [[rey César]] se reunieron todos los monstruos, y advierte que no interferir en la batalla de [[]] de Godzilla Gigan. Desaprueban los monstruos, y [[rey Caesar]] ruge desafío, haciendo que los monstruos a paso atrás. [[Godzilla]] entonces cierra los ojos, para confusión de Gigan y un entorno de aura verde [[Godzilla]], causando Gigan a retroceder. El aura verde desaparece y [[Godzilla]] abre los ojos. [[Godzilla]] de repente dispara su [[GodzillaGigan reappears in episodes 117-118 when [[Godzilla]] is getting a beat down from [[Destoroyah]] and [[Megalon]]. At first it would seem like Gigan is helping the two monsters against [[Godzilla]], but as it turns out, Gigan is actually helping [[Godzilla]] when Gigan knocks down [[Megalon]]. [[Destoroyah]] then tries to fly away, but Gigan shoots him down with the Cluster Beam, and [[Godzilla]] finishes [[Destoroyah]] off with a spinning tail attack, knocking him down. [[Godzilla]] and Gigan then drag the two monsters into a cave, and use their respective beam attacks to close in the cave on [[Destoroyah]] and [[Megalon]]. [[Godzilla]] and Gigan then look at each other, and Gigan flies off while [[Godzilla]] goes back to [[Godzilla Island (Location)|Godzilla Island]] to help fight-off against [[Mecha-King Ghidorah]].
[[File:Cast_gigan.jpg|thumb|right|200px|Gigan in ''[[Godzilla Island (Series)|Godzilla Island]]'']]In ''[[Godzilla Island (TV series)|Godzilla Island]]'' episodios 31-40, cuando [[Zaguresu]] consigue malestar sobre los informes de sus fallos al leer un periódico, un [[M espacio cazador nebulosa Aliens| M espacio nebulosa cazador Alien]] se arrastra a la vista y dice [[Zaguresu]] que está aquí para ayudar a su conquista [[isla de Godzilla (ubicación) | Isla de Godzilla, la M espacio cazador nebulosa Aliens| M espacio nebulosa cazador Alien]] presenta Gigan a [[Zaguresu]], que impresionó a ella y Gigan llega a la tierra. Cuando [[Godzilla]] ve Gigan, Gigan libera una explosion contra [[Godzilla]] y tiene éxito en hacerlo, Gigan y se prepara para dejar ya [[Torema]] llega a la escena, pero Gigan vuela sobre la nave de [[Torema]] [[Zaguresu]] se molestó cuando Gigan no incomodan para luchar. Gigan después dispara una flecha con una nota atada a él a [[isla de Godzilla (ubicación) | Isla de Godzilla]] desde el espacio, resulta que la nota decía que Gigan ha desafiado [[Godzilla]] a una batalla al amanecer, así [[Godzilla]] se dirige hacia fuera a batalla, sólo para ser parado por [[King caesar]], que entonces advierte [[Godzilla]] eso Gigan es demasiado fuerte y tiene que preparar antes de la batalla, pero [[Godzilla]] ruge desafío, entonces nos lleva a [[Torema]] [[Godzilla]] para escuchar , pero [[Godzilla]] las marchas pasadas [[King caesar]] negándose a escuchar. [[Godzilla]] finalmente alcanza el sitio de batalla y encuentra Gigan espera. Los dos monstruos entonces comienzan a esperar toda la noche antes de atacar, cuando sale el sol, Gigan refleja la luz del sol de su garra, cegador [[Godzilla]] por la reflexión. Gigan ve su oportunidad y comienza a cargar en el [[Godzilla]], para que [[Godzilla]] recuperar su vista, causando Gigan detener su carga y saltar hacia donde empezó atacando desde. [[Zaguresu]] comienza consiguiendo frustrada que Gigan no es luchar contra Godzilla, por lo que llama [[Battra]], sólo para que Gigan disparar su rayo de Cluster en [[Battra]]. El [[M espacio nebulosa de Hunter Aliens| Alien M espacio nebulosa cazador Alien]] entonces asegura [[Zaguresu]] que puede derrotar a Gigan [[Godzilla]] por cuenta propia. [[Godzilla]] y Gigan que enfrentar como todo el mundo espera en anticipación. Cuando un deslizamiento de tierra cae entre [[Godzilla]] y Gigan, los dos monstruos empiezan a cargar, pero por desgracia, [[Godzilla]] va hacia abajo, para sorpresa de todos. Gigan entonces acerca al caído [[Godzilla]] [[Mothra]] aparece repentinamente, y ataques Gigan con sus escamas, entonces [[Rodan]] aparece, coge [[Godzilla]] y vuela lejos con [[Godzilla]] [[Mothra]] sigue. Gigan relojes, pero da vuelta lejos como escapes de [[Godzilla]]. En el spa curativo [[rey]] del César, admite [[Godzilla]] de [[King caesar]] que él no estaba listo para hacer frente a Gigan y debe haber escuchado en primer lugar. [[King caesar]] entonces dice [[Godzilla]] que necesitaba usar poderes nunca se utilizó para derrotar a Gigan y puede entrenar [[Godzilla]] Cómo utilizar esos poderes. Gigan aparece, mucho que [[Godzilla]] y la sorpresa de [[King caesar]]. No atacó, pero en su lugar, disfruta del spa de agua caliente, como [[Godzilla]] y [[rey Caesar]] ver. Gigan entonces se levanta de la spa y desafíos [[Godzilla]] al amanecer para la batalla final, y [[Godzilla]] acepta reto de Gigan. Antes de su batalla final, [[Godzilla]] se ve meditando en [[Rodan]] por, acerca de [[King caesar]] [[Godzilla]] sigue a meditar. [[King caesar]] aprovecha energía interna [[]] de Godzilla, y luego se aleja. Al día siguiente, [[Godzilla]] ha alcanzado el lugar de la batalla, y Gigan vuela en posición de [[King caesar]] se reunieron todos los monstruos, y advierte que no interferir en la batalla de [[]] de Godzilla Gigan. Desaprueban los monstruos, y [[kig caesar]] ruge desafío, haciendo que los monstruos a paso atrás. [[Godzilla]] entonces cierra los ojos, para confusión de Gigan y un entorno de aura verde [[Godzilla]], causando Gigan a retroceder. El aura verde desaparece y [[Godzilla]] abre los ojos. [[Godzilla]] de repente dispara su [[GodzillaGigan reappears in episodes 117-118 when [[Godzilla]] is getting a beat down from [[Destoroyah]] and [[Megalon]]. At first it would seem like Gigan is helping the two monsters against [[Godzilla]], but as it turns out, Gigan is actually helping [[Godzilla]] when Gigan knocks down [[Megalon]]. [[Destoroyah]] then tries to fly away, but Gigan shoots him down with the Cluster Beam, and [[Godzilla]] finishes [[Destoroyah]] off with a spinning tail attack, knocking him down. [[Godzilla]] and Gigan then drag the two monsters into a cave, and use their respective beam attacks to close in the cave on [[Destoroyah]] and [[Megalon]]. [[Godzilla]] and Gigan then look at each other, and Gigan flies off while [[Godzilla]] goes back to [[Godzilla Island (Location)|Godzilla Island]] to help fight-off against [[Mecha-King Ghidorah]].
Gigan once again reappears in episodes 169-178 when [[Misato]] goes on an expedition to Matango Island in her ship, Gigan is seen training by throwing rocks up in the air and slicing them in two, so [[Misato]] then reports this back to the [[G-Guard Commander]]. [[Landes]] sends [[Camero]] to ask if Gigan would like to join them in conquering [[Godzilla Island (Location)|Godzilla Island]], but Gigan is uninterested and flies off. The [[Giant Dark Emperor]] appears in space to yell at [[Landes]], but she cries and he gives her a new monster, [[Kumasogami|Dororin]], to send out on earth. [[Kumasogami|Dororin]] then crashes on Matango Island, shape-shifts himself into [[Godzilla]], and smashes a rock on Gigan's head while Gigan was meditating. Then he shape-shifts into Gigan itself, and flies off. [[Misato]] also arrives on Matango Island because [[Lucas]] got an alert, and Gigan tells her [[Godzilla]] attacked it, and Gigan flies to [[Godzilla Island (Location)|Godzilla Island]] to fight [[Godzilla]]. Meanwhile back in [[Godzilla Island (Location)|Godzilla Island]], [[Kumasogami|Dororin]], while disguised as Gigan, smashes a rock on Godzilla's head. The [[G-Guard Commander]] radios [[Misato]], and tells her that Gigan is here, but she tells him she's with Gigan. Soon enough, the real Gigan comes and fights [[Godzilla]]. So far, neither monsters are falling or getting hit by blows that brought them down in previous battles. The battle continues despite [[Misato]] getting upset, and also the fact that the [[G-Guard Commander]] is piloting [[MechaGodzilla 2|MechaGodzilla]] to fight [[Kumasogami|Dororin]] to protect G-Guard Base. Godzilla refuses to stop fighting to help fight [[Kumasogami|Dororin]]. But then [[M.O.G.U.E.R.A.|Moguera]], piloted by [[Nao]], comes in-between [[Godzilla]] and Gigan and tells [[Godzilla]] to help fight-off against [[Kumasogami|Dororin]], so [[Godzilla]] decides to go because his friends are more important than his battle honor, and Gigan follows. While [[Misato]] uses the computer and gets a clue on how to beat [[Kumasogami|Dororin]], Godzilla comes in and blasts [[Kumasogami|Dororin]] with his [[Godzilla#Atomic Breath|Radioactive Heat Ray]] and takes over the fight, but [[Kumasogami|Dororin]] grabs him from behind. Then Gigan comes in and attacks Dororin. And then [[Fire Fighter Jet Jaguar]], piloted by [[Misato]], comes in and uses its fire hose, melting the shape-shifting monster away, the spirit then flies up to the air, only for Gigan to smash it with its claw and finally, Gigan flies away, but not before it fires an arrow with a note tied onto it to ground from space.
Gigan once again reappears in episodes 169-178 when [[Misato]] goes on an expedition to Matango Island in her ship, Gigan is seen training by throwing rocks up in the air and slicing them in two, so [[Misato]] then reports this back to the [[G-Guard Commander]]. [[Landes]] sends [[Camero]] to ask if Gigan would like to join them in conquering [[Godzilla Island (Location)|Godzilla Island]], but Gigan is uninterested and flies off. The [[Giant Dark Emperor]] appears in space to yell at [[Landes]], but she cries and he gives her a new monster, [[Kumasogami|Dororin]], to send out on earth. [[Kumasogami|Dororin]] then crashes on Matango Island, shape-shifts himself into [[Godzilla]], and smashes a rock on Gigan's head while Gigan was meditating. Then he shape-shifts into Gigan itself, and flies off. [[Misato]] also arrives on Matango Island because [[Lucas]] got an alert, and Gigan tells her [[Godzilla]] attacked it, and Gigan flies to [[Godzilla Island (Location)|Godzilla Island]] to fight [[Godzilla]]. Meanwhile back in [[Godzilla Island (Location)|Godzilla Island]], [[Kumasogami|Dororin]], while disguised as Gigan, smashes a rock on Godzilla's head. The [[G-Guard Commander]] radios [[Misato]], and tells her that Gigan is here, but she tells him she's with Gigan. Soon enough, the real Gigan comes and fights [[Godzilla]]. So far, neither monsters are falling or getting hit by blows that brought them down in previous battles. The battle continues despite [[Misato]] getting upset, and also the fact that the [[G-Guard Commander]] is piloting [[MechaGodzilla 2|MechaGodzilla]] to fight [[Kumasogami|Dororin]] to protect G-Guard Base. Godzilla refuses to stop fighting to help fight [[Kumasogami|Dororin]]. But then [[M.O.G.U.E.R.A.|Moguera]], piloted by [[Nao]], comes in-between [[Godzilla]] and Gigan and tells [[Godzilla]] to help fight-off against [[Kumasogami|Dororin]], so [[Godzilla]] decides to go because his friends are more important than his battle honor, and Gigan follows. While [[Misato]] uses the computer and gets a clue on how to beat [[Kumasogami|Dororin]], Godzilla comes in and blasts [[Kumasogami|Dororin]] with his [[Godzilla#Atomic Breath|Radioactive Heat Ray]] and takes over the fight, but [[Kumasogami|Dororin]] grabs him from behind. Then Gigan comes in and attacks Dororin. And then [[Fire Fighter Jet Jaguar]], piloted by [[Misato]], comes in and uses its fire hose, melting the shape-shifting monster away, the spirit then flies up to the air, only for Gigan to smash it with its claw and finally, Gigan flies away, but not before it fires an arrow with a note tied onto it to ground from space.

Revisión del 02:29 19 ene 2016

Image gallery for Gigan

El icono de copyright de Gigan®
Gigan in Godzilla: Final Wars (click to enlarge)
Alien Cyborg

Borodan, Galien,
Monster Zero, SaviniG:RoE
65 meters
120 meters
120 meters
250 meters
25,000 tons
60,000 tons

Chainsaw GiganGFW

King Ghidorah, Megalon, GodzillaGI, Monster X, SpaceGodzilla, Hedorah
Godzilla, Anguirus, Jet Jaguar, Zone Fighter, Mothra, Battra, MegalonGI, Destoroyah, Kumonga, Dororin


Controlad@ por
M Space Hunter Nebula AliensGvG-GvM
Cread@ por
Jun Fukuda,
Tomoyuki Tanaka,
Shinichi Sekizawa

Interpretad@ por
Kenpachiro Satsuma
Kazuhiro Yoshida
Primera aparición
Godzilla vs. Gigan
Última aparición
Godzilla: Final Wars
ShodaiGigan, FinalGigan
More Roars

Gigan (ガイガン?, Gaigan) es un alien cyborg kaiju creado por Toho que aparecio por primera vez en la pelicula 1972 Godzilla film, Godzilla vs. Gigan.


Gigan es realmente un monstruo extraño, luciendo un arma sierra circular situada en su región abdominal frontal y grandes ganchos de acero para las manos con los más pequeños de los pies. Gigan es a veces considerado opositor más brutal y violenta de Godzilla, y tiene un ventilador significativa después (incluyendo Godzilla: Final Wars director Ryuhei Kitamura) a pesar de la baja calidad de sus dos primeras películas generalmente percibido. Su nuevo diseño de la serie Millennium fue elogiado por muchos y está clasificado entre los aficionados como una de las mejores mejoras a cualquier monstruo.


era showa

Godzilla vs. Gigan

Gigan apareció por primera vez en la película Godzilla vs Gigan donde él fue controlado por los extraterrestres de la nebulosa del cazador. Fue enviado a la tierra a destruirla con King Ghidorah. Atacaron a una ciudad, pero fueron interrumpidos por Godzilla y Anguirus. Combatieron en tierra de niños, y casi mataron a los dos monstruos. Después de la destrucción de la torre de Godzilla Gigan y King Ghidorah salen de su control mental, y les obligaron a los dos monstruos de la tierra en el espacio.

Godzilla vs. Megalon

GVM - Gigan

Gigan in Godzilla vs. Megalon

Gigan regresó en Godzilla vs Megalon, fue llamado por el Seatopians para ayudarles a conquistar la tierra. Llegó para ayudar a Megalon contra godzilla y casi matantolo. Jet Jaguar atacó Gigan, pero también fue derrotado. Los dos monstruos recuperaron su fuerza, y lucharon contra Gigan y Megalon nuevamente. Gigan se retiraron hacia el espacio, y Megalon regresó a Seatopia.

Zone Fighter

ZF - Gigan

Gigan in Zone Fighter

Gigan regreso como estrella invitada en la serie de TV zone Fighter. En la serie, se revela que, después de los acontecimientos de Godzilla vs Megalon, el debilitado Gigan cruzo con los Garoga.los Garoga Capturaron al monstruo, la raza extraterrestre había modificado a Gigan , es decir, que ahora sus garras causaban explosiones cada vez él golpea algo con ellas. Después de esas mejoras, los Garoga le enviaron a la tierra para luchar contra zone fighter. A su regreso, Gigan había encontrado Godzilla y lucharon. Incluso con sus nuevas habilidades, Gigan no fue rival para Godzilla. Godzilla entonces había dejado Gigan por muerto después de rescatar a zone fighter. Sin embargo, Gigan aún no estaba derrotado, y se levantó una vez más para luchar contra zone fighter. en Pelea anterior de Gigan contra Godzilla demostró lo han tomado su peaje, y zona Fighter pronto tenía la mano superior. Zona Fighter desató su ataque de meteorito de misiles contra Gigan matandolo

Godzilla Island

Cast gigan

Gigan in Godzilla Island

In Godzilla Island episodios 31-40, cuando Zaguresu consigue malestar sobre los informes de sus fallos al leer un periódico, un M espacio nebulosa cazador Alien se arrastra a la vista y dice Zaguresu que está aquí para ayudar a su conquista Isla de Godzilla, la M espacio cazador nebulosa Aliens| M espacio nebulosa cazador Alien presenta Gigan a Zaguresu, que impresionó a ella y Gigan llega a la tierra. Cuando Godzilla ve Gigan, Gigan libera una explosion contra Godzilla y tiene éxito en hacerlo, Gigan y se prepara para dejar ya Torema llega a la escena, pero Gigan vuela sobre la nave de Torema Zaguresu se molestó cuando Gigan no incomodan para luchar. Gigan después dispara una flecha con una nota atada a él a Isla de Godzilla desde el espacio, resulta que la nota decía que Gigan ha desafiado Godzilla a una batalla al amanecer, así Godzilla se dirige hacia fuera a batalla, sólo para ser parado por King caesar, que entonces advierte Godzilla eso Gigan es demasiado fuerte y tiene que preparar antes de la batalla, pero Godzilla ruge desafío, entonces nos lleva a Torema Godzilla para escuchar , pero Godzilla las marchas pasadas King caesar negándose a escuchar. Godzilla finalmente alcanza el sitio de batalla y encuentra Gigan espera. Los dos monstruos entonces comienzan a esperar toda la noche antes de atacar, cuando sale el sol, Gigan refleja la luz del sol de su garra, cegador Godzilla por la reflexión. Gigan ve su oportunidad y comienza a cargar en el Godzilla, para que Godzilla recuperar su vista, causando Gigan detener su carga y saltar hacia donde empezó atacando desde. Zaguresu comienza consiguiendo frustrada que Gigan no es luchar contra Godzilla, por lo que llama Battra, sólo para que Gigan disparar su rayo de Cluster en Battra. El Alien M espacio nebulosa cazador Alien entonces asegura Zaguresu que puede derrotar a Gigan Godzilla por cuenta propia. Godzilla y Gigan que enfrentar como todo el mundo espera en anticipación. Cuando un deslizamiento de tierra cae entre Godzilla y Gigan, los dos monstruos empiezan a cargar, pero por desgracia, Godzilla va hacia abajo, para sorpresa de todos. Gigan entonces acerca al caído Godzilla Mothra aparece repentinamente, y ataques Gigan con sus escamas, entonces Rodan aparece, coge Godzilla y vuela lejos con Godzilla Mothra sigue. Gigan relojes, pero da vuelta lejos como escapes de Godzilla. En el spa curativo rey del César, admite Godzilla de King caesar que él no estaba listo para hacer frente a Gigan y debe haber escuchado en primer lugar. King caesar entonces dice Godzilla que necesitaba usar poderes nunca se utilizó para derrotar a Gigan y puede entrenar Godzilla Cómo utilizar esos poderes. Gigan aparece, mucho que Godzilla y la sorpresa de King caesar. No atacó, pero en su lugar, disfruta del spa de agua caliente, como Godzilla y rey Caesar ver. Gigan entonces se levanta de la spa y desafíos Godzilla al amanecer para la batalla final, y Godzilla acepta reto de Gigan. Antes de su batalla final, Godzilla se ve meditando en Rodan por, acerca de King caesar Godzilla sigue a meditar. King caesar aprovecha energía interna [[]] de Godzilla, y luego se aleja. Al día siguiente, Godzilla ha alcanzado el lugar de la batalla, y Gigan vuela en posición de King caesar se reunieron todos los monstruos, y advierte que no interferir en la batalla de [[]] de Godzilla Gigan. Desaprueban los monstruos, y kig caesar ruge desafío, haciendo que los monstruos a paso atrás. Godzilla entonces cierra los ojos, para confusión de Gigan y un entorno de aura verde Godzilla, causando Gigan a retroceder. El aura verde desaparece y Godzilla abre los ojos. Godzilla de repente dispara su [[GodzillaGigan reappears in episodes 117-118 when Godzilla is getting a beat down from Destoroyah and Megalon. At first it would seem like Gigan is helping the two monsters against Godzilla, but as it turns out, Gigan is actually helping Godzilla when Gigan knocks down Megalon. Destoroyah then tries to fly away, but Gigan shoots him down with the Cluster Beam, and Godzilla finishes Destoroyah off with a spinning tail attack, knocking him down. Godzilla and Gigan then drag the two monsters into a cave, and use their respective beam attacks to close in the cave on Destoroyah and Megalon. Godzilla and Gigan then look at each other, and Gigan flies off while Godzilla goes back to Godzilla Island to help fight-off against Mecha-King Ghidorah.

Gigan once again reappears in episodes 169-178 when Misato goes on an expedition to Matango Island in her ship, Gigan is seen training by throwing rocks up in the air and slicing them in two, so Misato then reports this back to the G-Guard Commander. Landes sends Camero to ask if Gigan would like to join them in conquering Godzilla Island, but Gigan is uninterested and flies off. The Giant Dark Emperor appears in space to yell at Landes, but she cries and he gives her a new monster, Dororin, to send out on earth. Dororin then crashes on Matango Island, shape-shifts himself into Godzilla, and smashes a rock on Gigan's head while Gigan was meditating. Then he shape-shifts into Gigan itself, and flies off. Misato also arrives on Matango Island because Lucas got an alert, and Gigan tells her Godzilla attacked it, and Gigan flies to Godzilla Island to fight Godzilla. Meanwhile back in Godzilla Island, Dororin, while disguised as Gigan, smashes a rock on Godzilla's head. The G-Guard Commander radios Misato, and tells her that Gigan is here, but she tells him she's with Gigan. Soon enough, the real Gigan comes and fights Godzilla. So far, neither monsters are falling or getting hit by blows that brought them down in previous battles. The battle continues despite Misato getting upset, and also the fact that the G-Guard Commander is piloting MechaGodzilla to fight Dororin to protect G-Guard Base. Godzilla refuses to stop fighting to help fight Dororin. But then Moguera, piloted by Nao, comes in-between Godzilla and Gigan and tells Godzilla to help fight-off against Dororin, so Godzilla decides to go because his friends are more important than his battle honor, and Gigan follows. While Misato uses the computer and gets a clue on how to beat Dororin, Godzilla comes in and blasts Dororin with his Radioactive Heat Ray and takes over the fight, but Dororin grabs him from behind. Then Gigan comes in and attacks Dororin. And then Fire Fighter Jet Jaguar, piloted by Misato, comes in and uses its fire hose, melting the shape-shifting monster away, the spirit then flies up to the air, only for Gigan to smash it with its claw and finally, Gigan flies away, but not before it fires an arrow with a note tied onto it to ground from space.

Millennium Series

Godzilla: Final Wars


Gigan in Godzilla: Final Wars

Gigan regresó en Godzilla: Final Wars, primero fue visto como un monstruo momificado de su batalla con Mothra. Él fue despertado por los Xiliens para ayudarles a conquistar la tierra. El persiguio al Gotengo a la Antártida para impedir que despertaran a Godzilla. Casi destruyó la nave, pero él fue derribado un disparo del aliento atomico de Godzilla. gigan peleo contra Godzilla pero termino sin cabeza tras recibir el aliento atomico. mas tarde regresaria para ayudar al monster x.


Modified Gigan in Godzilla: Final Wars

Modified Gigan (改造ガイガン?, Kaizō Gaigan)

fue la segunda forma de Gigan en Godzilla: Final Wars, donde se reconstruyó con una cabeza diferente y motosierras en lugar de sus ganchos. Fue lanzado a la batalla contra Mothra y la derrotó temporalmente. Él intentó ayudar a Monster X en su batalla con Godzilla, pero fue atacado por Mothra. Él disparó sus espadas contra Mothra, pero volaron más allá de ella. Casi mataron a Mothra con su rayo, pero sus espadas regresaron a el pero terminaron cortantole la cabeza. Mothra lo ataco con un ataque kamikaze , haciéndolo explotar y matandolo en el acto.


Hooked Appendages

Gigan's forelimbs sport a pair of large metal hooks in place of hands which he can use these to batter and stab an opponent. In his appearance on the television series Zone Fighter, the tips of the hooks can release an explosive charge on contact with an enemy. In Godzilla: Final Wars, instead of hooks Gigan's forearms ended in scythe like blades, the undersides of which were each equipped with dual grappling hooks which Gigan could use to bind an enemy and then drag them straight into his buzzsaw.  Following his initial defeat by the recently awakened Godzilla, the blades were replaced with double-pronged chainsaws.

Antigravity Flight

Gigan is capable of flying at speeds of up to Mach 3 while in Earth's atmosphere. However, in the realm of space, the cybernetic assassin Gigan is capable of flight at speeds of Mach 400 by encasing himself in a diamond.This normally assists in interstellar travel and is utilized very little, if at all, during battle situations. When it is used in battle, however, Gigan will often use it to engage in aerial slams to continuously topple his opponents without giving them a chance to counter, or even get up. Oddly enough, Gigan lacks his flying ability in the Godzilla: Destroy All Monsters Melee, Godzilla: Save the Earth, and Godzilla: Unleashed video games, though he is clearly seen flying in the opening cinema sequence of Save the Earth. Another mode of movement that Gigan utilizes is his teleportation ability, only seen in the video games.


Gigan has a buzzsaw built into his abdominal area made of an unknown alien alloy; granting it considerable durability and sharpness. In his first appearance, Gigan's saw was able to draw blood on both Godzilla and Anguirus.  In Final Wars it was even able to lacerate the hull of the Gotengo.  A favored tactic of Gigan is to use his powers of flight along with his buzzsaw in hit and run attacks, slashing his opponent as he races by them.


In addition to his melee weapons, Showa era Gigan was depicted as having an beam aperture set into his forehead just above his visor. Official art would frequently depict him as firing a laser from this device although he was never shown to actually do so on film (possibly a result of budget limits/cutbacks and/or lack of time; the illustrations could also have been done for effect). However, in a battle sequence for Godzilla vs. Gigan, after Godzilla heaves a rock at Gigan's face, the laser device in Gigan's forehead gives off a quick flash of light, possibly short-circuiting. In video games, Gigan's laser was featured in Godzilla: Monster of Monsters for the NES as well as later being used in Godzilla: Destroy All Monsters Melee, Godzilla: Save the Earth, and Godzilla: Unleashed. According to the info located on the back of Gigan's Trendmasters collectible card, Gigan's forehead laser is actually an atomic energy weapon, similar to Godzilla's own atomic breath.

Gigan's eye laser, though prominently depicted on posters for Godzilla vs. Gigan, was never used onscreen until Godzilla: Final Wars. However, in a battle sequence in Godzilla vs. Gigan, after Godzilla heaves a rock at Gigan's face, the laser gun device in Gigan's forehead gives off a quick flash of light, possibly short-circuiting. Stock footage of this scene was used in Godzilla vs. Megalon. It was, however, featured in the video games Godzilla: Monster of Monsters, Godzilla: Destroy All Monsters Melee, and Godzilla: Save the Earth.

In Godzilla: Final Wars, Gigan's laser blast was finally revealed on screen, though it had been heavily altered from the original concept. Rather than being fired from a forehead laser device (the aperture had been replaced with a non-faceted ruby gem), it was instead fired from Gigan's eye itself. It also was no longer a traditional laser, but a large energy blast that-in a manner similar to a cluster bomb-would split into smaller explosive bolts of energy upon entering close range of a target, saturating the target in multiple hits simultaneously. The eye beam has been officially titled the "Cluster Light Beam", and while featured in the video games, unlike its film counterpart the beam scatters the instant it leaves Gigan's eye, has a limited range, and is referred to as "Shotgun Blast".


In the video game Godzilla: Battle Legends and the Godzilla arcade game, Gigan has the ability to spew flames from his mouth. Also, it has been mentioned in Godzilla Movie Studio Tour that this ability is a normal ability Gigan has always had.


After being repaired and upgraded following his initial fight with Godzilla in Godzilla: Final Wars, Gigan displayed the ability to fire guided razor discs from two hidden slots in his upper torso which were able to boomerang back for a second attempt if they initially missed their target. Doing so however is risky as if they missed the target once again, Gigan would find himself right in the path of his own attack; which ultimately was what killed him. Gigan was also able to use his scorpion-like tail to aid him in melee combat.


Video Game Appearances

Godzilla: Monster of Monsters

Gigan appears as a villain in the 1988 Nintendo game Godzilla: Monster of Monsters.

Godzilla: Unleashed

Gigan04 2-hr

Gigan in the Wii version of Godzilla: Unleashed

Gigan's Godzilla: Unleashed bio differs slightly in the Wii and PS2 versions in the sense that the latter has contains a different closing sentence.

Height: 95 meters
Weight: 47,000 tons

"Gigan is the vanguard of the Alien Invaders. He is the finest fighting monster the Vortaak have at their command. Gigan is a cyborg infused with Vortaak technology designed to augment his powerful natural combat abilities. This latest upgrade makes him faster, stronger, and more ferocious than ever. Gigan projects powerful alien energy from his single eye to engage opponents at range, though with quick footwork and lightning-fast edged attacks he is clearly designed with close combat in mind. In addition, Gigan has the ability to teleport short distances to confuse and outflank his opponents."


Godzilla: Legends

Gigan makes a small cameo in Godzilla: Legends #1. When Dr. Anders is commenting on how Anguirus has lost every time he has fought another kaiju, Gigan's arm can be seen in one of the flash back panels, slicing Anguirus across the face.

Godzilla: The Half-Century War

Gigan appears in The Half-Century War #5. In this issue, Gigan and King Ghidorah arrive on Earth and wreak havoc. The AMF builds the Dimension Tide and lures the space monsters to Antarctica, hoping to trap them in an artificial black hole. Godzilla and Kiryu arrive and temporarily join forces to battle the space monsters. Eventually, Gigan is defeated and banished into the black hole along with King Ghidorah.

Godzilla: Ongoing

Gigan appears in Godzilla: Ongoing as one of the space monsters that attack Earth. In issue #10, Gigan battles Rodan and Anguirus in Hong Kong. Gigan's visor is shattered in the battle, rendering him blind. Gigan's fate is left unknown.

Godzilla: Rulers of Earth

In Rulers of Earth #1, Gigan erupted from underground in Arizona, and instantly fought Kumonga. After getting trapped in the kaiju's webbing, Gigan faked defeat until Kumonga got close. Using his abdomen saw, Gigan severed one of Kumonga's legs, and freed himself from the web. Using his laser, Gigan set the whole valley on fire and left to be upgraded by the Cryog aliens.

Gigan later appeared with the FinalGigan design in Rulers of Earth #5 to fight Godzilla and M.O.G.U.E.R.A. with the help of Orga. M.O.G.U.E.R.A. was disabled by the alien kaiju. Orga couldn't be controlled by the Cryog, though, and went on a rampage but was destroyed, leaving Gigan to deal with Godzilla. Jet Jaguar came in soon afterwards and Gigan was soon defeated by Godzilla and Jet Jaguar.


Main article: Gallery:Gigan.


for the 2004 roar, it was used the spacegodzilla one

In Other Languages


  • Gigan was the first monster to cause Godzilla and Anguirus to visibly bleed. In Godzilla vs. Gigan he had flown over Godzilla and slashed Godzilla's shoulder with his buzzsaw and later stabbed him in the head with his hammer-claw hands, causing blood to run down his face.
  • The Xiliens must have sent Gigan to the Earth millions of years prior to the events of Godzilla: Final Wars, if the Mothra legends are true.
  • Gigan was portrayed, both in Godzilla vs. Gigan and Godzilla vs. Megalon, by Kenpachiro Satsuma, who had previously played Hedorah, and would go on to play Godzilla himself for all seven Heisei films.
  • According to the German release of Godzilla vs. Gigan, Gigan was possibly created by Dr. Frankenstein.
  • Gigan was the first robotic monster to fight Godzilla.
  • In Godzilla Island, Gigan is the only ally of Godzilla to not be an earth monster.
  • Gigan was the third space monster to battle Godzilla.
  • Gigan's act of making both Godzilla and Anguirus bleed in Godzilla vs. Gigan would later be replicated by MechaGodzilla in Godzilla vs. MechaGodzilla.
  • In the Ultraman Mebius series, there is a monster called Dinozaur who has Gigan's roar.
  • Gigan's design is similar to that of the Ultraman monster, Dorako.
  • Gigan is referenced in the game Sonic Riders: Zero Gravity. His name appears in two racing tracks, Gigan Rocks and Gigan Device.
  • Gigan's ability to fire off shurikens in Godzilla: Final Wars is very similar to Guiron's secondary attack, where he can fire four shurikens from indents in the side of his head.
  • In Godzilla: Rulers of Earth, Gigan appears in his Showa design in Issue #1 and is later upgraded to his Millennium design in Issue #6.
  • The Ultraman Ace choju, Chameleking, has a saw in his stomach like Gigan, but it is never used in combat.
Toho Company, Limited Monster
Monstruos de la serie Showa de Godzilla GodzillaAnguirusGiant LizardDaidakoKing KongMothraMystery Bones of Infant IslandRodanKing GhidorahEbirahDaikondoruKamacurasMinillaKumongaMandaGorosaurusBaragonVaranGabaraManeaterHedorahGiganJet JaguarMegalonFake Godzilla/MechaGodzillaKing CaesarTitanosaurus
Monstruos de la serie Heisei de Godzilla Godzillasaurus/GodzillaShockirusBiollanteDorat/King Ghidorah/Mecha-King GhidorahBattraMothraMechaGodzillaRodanGodzilla JuniorFairy MothraSpaceGodzillaM.O.G.U.E.R.A.Destoroyah
Monstruos de Godzilla Island GodzillaRodanMothraMothra LeoKing CaesarGodzilla JuniorAnguirusBaragonGorosaurusMechaGodzillaMogueraProto-MogueraJet JaguarMedical Jet JaguarFire Fighter Jet JaguarGiganDestoroyahMegalonBattraSpaceGodzillaKing GhidorahFake GodzillaHedorahMecha-King GhidorahDogoraBlack MechaGodzillaKamacurasDororinGororinSuper Special SpaceGodzilla High Grade Type TwoNeo HedorahHyper Mecha-King Ghidorah
Monstruos de la serie Millennium de Godzilla GodzillaMillennianOrgaMeganulonMegaguirusBaragonMothraKing GhidorahKiryuKamoebasMandaRodanZillaAnguirusKing CaesarKamacurasKumongaMinillaEbirahGiganHedorahMonster X
Monstruos de la serie Legendary GodzillaM.U.T.O.King GhidorahMothraRodanKing Kong
Monstruos fuera de la serie de Godzilla SnowmanMeganulonRodanMogueraVaranOrochiMothraVampire PlantMagumaMandaMatangoDogoraFrankensteinBaragonGiant OctopusGairaSandaMechani-KongGorosaurusKing KongGiant Sea SerpentDaigoroGoliathGezoraGanimesKamoebasAmano ShiratoriKumasogamiKaishin MubaUtsuno IkusagamiDesghidorahMothra LeoFairy MothraGaru GaruGhogoBaremDagahraGrand GhidorahPrimitive MothraZillaBaby ZillaZilla Junior
Monstruos de videojuegos Super GodzillaBaganThe GlogMechatronSphectraTarantusMister MeringueBalkzardanBarugaronJyarumuRazinShiiganVagnosaurusBeta GodzillaGiant Doctor SerizawaMGR-IIndSMG-IIndObsidiusKrystalakThe Sphinx
Monstruos cancelados RedmoonErabusHafunMoguMajin TuolGaruganBaganDeutaliosGigamothMechaMothraGhost GodzillaBarubaroiGryphonProbe BatDogolasGiant MosasaurDeathlaLightning BugFire LionThe Visitor


Era Icon - Toho
Era Icon - Showa
Era Icon - Millennium
Era Icon - Gigan