Godzilla Wiki
Comic Book Monster
Hero Zero as it is seen in Hero Zero #2
Hero Zero
Super Powered Human
David MacRae
1.5-92 meters
50,000 tons
First Appearance
Hero Zero #1

Hero Zero first appeared in 1993 in the comic Hero Zero. In this comic a young boy named David comes across a space crystal which latches on to his chest. The crystal allowed David to turn into a hero from space known as Hero Zero. David transformed himself into Hero Zero when the Mesa Monster came out, and Hero Zero managed to defeat the Mesa Monster.

Clash With the King of the Monsters[]

In the year 1995, David, along with his father, and Billy, his best friend, traveled to the city of San Diego in order to attend the famous San Diego Comic-con. While in San Diego, David decided to transform into Hero Zero and explore the surrounding seas. However, while heading back to the city, Hero Zero unknowingly disturbed the slumber of Godzilla, King of the Monsters, who proceeded to slowly follow Hero Zero as he returned to San Diego! Back in the city, David, Billy and David's dad were busy attending the convention when Godzilla reached the city's harbor. David quickly transformed into Hero Zero in order to combat the nuclear dinosaur. As the size-changing hero fought Godzilla in the city of San Diego, a swing of Godzilla's massive tail destroyed a small building, sending a large chunk of concrete flying which killed Billy. Upon seeing the still body of his friend, hero Zero was driven into and uncontrollable fury! David proceeded to easily dodge Godzilla's atomic ray and topple the atomic titan! However, he soon realized that Godzilla was still an unstoppable creature , so he decided to use all his remaining energy to carry out Godzilla to sea and leave him there. After dropping Godzilla in a location far away from any place of human habitation, Hero Zero proceeded to return but however, he ran out of energy before he could do so, reverting back to being David while in the middle of the ocean; a ship crew soon found and rescued David and transported him back to San Diego. Back in San Diego, David revealed to his father (who had realized his son's secret identity) that he did not want to be Hero Zero anymore.

Special Abilities[]

  • Able to alter size up to 92 meters(300 feet)
  • Super Human Strength
  • Heat Vision (however, this ability of Hero Zero's was not used in his battle with Godzilla)
  • Able to fly/swim at fast speeds
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