First Appearance: Godzilla: King of the Monsters #1 (1987)
Other Appearances: Godzilla: King of the Monsters #12 (1996)
Home World: Earth
Origin: Japan
Type: Ancient
History: Bizarre incidents are occurring all over Japan, one in particular happening near Kyushu as large clouds of migrating locusts swarmed over the area, migrating out to sea. Witnesses claimed that the swarm was so dense in some spots that it managed to blot out the sun. Certain individuals believe that all of these bizarre phenomenon are linked to the recent unearthing of a peculiar slab at a construction site. Claiming that it is connected to the coming of the 'Age of Monsters,' it is said that the slab itself would bring forth Disaster Monsters, great beasts of legend that have menaced humanity throughout ancient history, including Inagos the Locust King.
Events would transpire to bring about this Age of Monsters, as Inagos emerged from it's long dormant slumber within a large egg. Drawn by the call, it began to make it's way toward Japan. But the Locust King didn't get too far in it's travels before the Slab was dumped into the dark depths of the ocean, in a last ditch effort to save all of Japan from the wrath of these beasts. Without the beckoning rhythm of the Slab, Inagos quickly returned home.