In Godzilla: Tokyo S.O.S., the TokyoMosuLarva's name comes from the film's Japanese title, specifically Tōkyō (東京?), Mosu, from Mothra's Japanese name, Mosura (モスラ?), and Imago, from the fact that it is a design for Mothra's Imago form.
In Godzilla: Final Wars, the FinalMosuImago's name comes from the film's title, specifically the word final (ファイナル?, Fainaru), Mosu, from Mothra's Japanese name, Mosura (モスラ?), and Imago, from the fact that it is a design for Mothra's Imago form.
The puppet was different from the previous SokogekiMosuImago, returning to its fluffy and soft look and losing the wasp-like appearance. The puppet kept the slimness of the SokogekiMosuImago puppet, making it look more real than the other fluffy HeiseiMosuImago and ShodaiMosuImago puppets. This puppet is also called the FinalMosuImago (ファイナルモス成虫?, FainaruMosuSeichū) in Godzilla: Final Wars.