Baphomet, also dubbed Titanus Baphomet, is a giant daikaiju created by Legendary Pictures that appears in Legendary's 2019 film, Godzilla: King of the Monsters, as a name briefly seen on a monitor.
"Baphomet" was a goat-headed demonic entity worshiped by the Knights Templar, but in truth, it was a fabrication to incriminate the Templar as worshippers of a false god. The name Baphomet is a perversion of Old French for "The Prophet Mohammed".
Godzilla: King of the Monsters[]
At some point, Baphomet had Monarch Outpost 68 built around it in Volubilis, Morocco. When Ghidorah calls all the Titans, Baphomet breaks free and begins to hunt with its new pack. When the ORCA calls all Titans to Boston, Baphomet does not arrive in time for the battle and does not see Godzilla become the alpha of all Titans again (except Kong).
- The outpost Baphomet was contained in, Monarch Outpost 68, is a possible reference to the 1968 Toho film Destroy All Monsters.
List of appearances[]
- Godzilla: King of the Monsters (Its name appears on a monitor screen)