The Earth is the third planet from the Sun, and the home to many diverse creatures such as humans, animals, plants, and kaiju. Every Godzilla film takes place entirely on Earth, except for Invasion of Astro-Monster, which also takes place on Planet X. In the MonsterVerse, the planet is hollow with a dimension inhabited by Titans on the inside.
In the 5-continent projection, either North and South America are combined along with Europe and Asia but not with Africa, or either are combined but excluding Antarctica.
- Europe
- Asia
In the 6-continent projection, either the Americas or Europe and Asia are combined, or both are combined but exclude Antarctica.
In the 7-continent projection, every large landmass is its own continent. This projection separates continents by canals (Panama canal for North and South America; Suez canal for Africa and Asia) and also extreme cultural differences, which explains why Europe and Asia would be considered different continents.
Geographic Points[]
The Earth has a very complex and active geography, having many trenches, islands, volcanoes, oceans, continents, mountains, and much more. Here are some notable geographic points in the Godzilla franchise:
- Mount Fuji
- Birth Island
- Infant Island
- Monster Island
- Monsterland
- Lagos Island
- Japan Trench
- Tokyo Bay
- Godzilla Island
- Pacific Ocean
Humanity has created over 150 countries due to many reasons. Some of the countries that are specifically featured in the Godzilla franchise are:
- Japan
- The United States
- United Kingdom
- Australia
- Russia
- France
- China
- New Guinea
- Mexico
- French Polynesia
- Panama
- Jamaica
Alien Invasions[]
The Earth is often a target of alien attacks because of its rich biodiversity, its habitable atmosphere and different biomes, the presence of humans which could be used as food or as slaves, and powerful kaiju which aliens would want to take control of.
- Every continent on Earth has had at least one giant monster live on, visit, or rampage on it.