The film's initial promotional poster.
A flyer with the film's promotional art, revealing the film's title.
Initial key art for the film's Netflix release.
The film's second promotional poster.
The film's second promotional poster without Roadshow logos.
The film's third poster, revealing the titular monster's form.
The film's fourth poster, revealing the monster in full color, with the film's cast in the foreground.
The fourth poster lacking Roadshow logos, and website watermarks.
Logo free poster for the film, also used as sample art for the standard edition DVD and Blu-ray releases.
The fourth poster, omitting the cast and focusing on Godzilla.
Netflix key art for the film's North American release on January 17, 2017.
A collaboration poster for the film.
A second collaboration poster for the film.
A third collaboration poster for Godzilla and Pilot FriXion.
A happy new year poster from the film's official website.
A2 poster for Planet of the Monsters, obtained alongside the steelbook for the film by purchasing the movie from Amazon.
A3 clear poster for Planet of the Monsters, obtained by purchasing the film from Tower Records.