Godzilla: The Half-Century War is the third miniseries of IDW Publishing's Godzilla comics. It follows Japanese soldier Ota Murakami and his obsessive pursuit of Godzilla from 1954 until 2002. Unlike the other series, it is drawn in a manga style. It ran from August 8, 2012, to April 3, 2013.
Godzilla: The Half-Century War was written by James Stokoe. The series' art was drawn by James Stokoe also, with some color assistance by Heather Beckel. Edits on the series were made by Bobby Curnow.
Issue #1[]
- Main article: Godzilla: The Half-Century War Issue 1.
Issue #2[]
- Main article: Godzilla: The Half-Century War Issue 2.
Issue #3[]
- Main article: Godzilla: The Half-Century War Issue 3.
Issue #4[]
- Main article: Godzilla: The Half-Century War Issue 4.
Issue #5[]
- Main article: Godzilla: The Half-Century War Issue 5.
- Godzilla
- Anguirus
- Mothra
- Rodan
- Megalon
- Hedorah
- Battra
- Ebirah
- Kumonga
- Mechagodzilla 2
- SpaceGodzilla
- Gigan
- King Ghidorah
- Kiryu
- Ota Murakami
- Kentaro Yoshihara
- Colonel Schooler
- Dr. Deverich
Vehicles and Races[]
- Anti-Megalosaurus Force
Godzilla (The Half-Century War): The Half-Century War has been the most well-received of all of IDW's series. Critics have praised its unique art style, dark storyline, and the development of its obsessive protagonist, Ota Murakami.
- Despite being called a "half-century war," the story begins in 1954 and ends in 2002, making it last for 48, instead of 50.
- The Dimension Tide from Godzilla vs. Megaguirus makes an appearance, albeit as a land-based weapon, instead of a satellite-based one.
- The name of the series' human antagonist, Dr. Deverich, likely comes from combining the last names of Dean Devlin and Roland Emmerich, respectively.