The Godzilla: The Planet Eater Original Soundtrack is the official soundtrack for the 2018 film of the same name. The soundtrack was officially announced on October 11, 2018.
- 神を見いだす者 (Those who find God)
- 星を喰う者 (The Planet Eater)
- 静まるゴジラ (Quiet Godzilla)
- ナノメタル-脅威- (Nanometal - Threat)
- メトフィエス-優しさ- (Metphies - Kindness)
- 信仰 (Faith)
- 崇拝 (Worship)
- 疑念 (Doubt)
- メトフィエス-思惑- (Metphies - Speculation)
- ビルサルドの反逆 (Bilusaludo Rebellion)
- 導き (Guidance)
- 逃げる選択 (Choice to Escape)
- 命をつなぐ (Connect Life)
- 祈り (Prayer)
- マイナ (Maina)
- 生贄 (Sacrifice)
- 悪夢 (Nightmare)
- 召喚 (Summoning)
- ギドラ (Ghidorah)
- 目覚め (Awakening)
- 対峙 (Confrontation)
- 熱線攻撃 (Heat Ray Attack)
- ギドラの脅威 (Ghidorah's threat)
- 心の支配 (Mind Control)
- 眼 (Eye)
- 地球を喰いつくす攻撃 (Attack that Consumes the Earth)
- 葛藤 (Conflict)
- 最終段階 (The Final Stage)
- 破滅と救い (Ruin and Salvation)
- 別れ (Farewell)
- 最後の一人 (The Last One)