Medical Jet Jaguar (メディカルジェットジャガー?) is a mecha created by Medikaru Jetto JyagāToho that first appeared in the 1997 Godzilla television series, Godzilla Island.
Medical Jet Jaguar's appearance is that of a completely white version of Jet Jaguar, except for a red cross on its chest.
Godzilla Island[]
Medical Jet Jaguar, one of three different Jet Jaguars on Godzilla Island (the others being a completely silver Jet Jaguar and a Fire Fighter Jet Jaguar) was a giant machine used by the G-Guard on the island to see to the monsters and keep them healthy. Operated by one pilot, the robot helped injured monsters and also saw each monster for a regular checkup, insuring each was healthy. Medical Jet Jaguar had no real weapons to speak of, but had a host of materials needed for its job, including a giant stethoscope and hypodermic needle. The machine was a favorite vehicle for the G-Guard Commander's daughter, Misato, during her time on the Island.