The Mutant Jellyfish is a jellyfish kaiju created by TriStar Pictures that first appeared in the Godzilla: The Series episode Future Shock.
Godzilla: The Series[]
Future Shock[]
The mutant jellyfish, a new mutation, emerged from the ocean and made its way to the coast of New York but was confronted and driven away by Godzilla, preventing it from polluting the water. The mutant jellyfish fought with Godzilla shortly before H.E.A.T. disappeared into the future. The Mutant Jellyfish awaited their return, the creature emerged from the sea and landed on the H.E.A.T seeker but before it could do anything it was attacked and quickly killed by Godzilla.
- Flight: The mutant jellyfish has wings that allow it to fly.
- Acid: Can spit very weak acid globs from the mouth, which are said to be as toxic as nuclear waste.
- Swimming: Mutant jellyfish can swim very fast.
- Oddly enough, the Mutant Jellyfish looks nothing like a Jellyfish.