Rampage Godzilla (大あばれゴジラ?) is a Daiabare Gojira1955 manga illustrated by Shigeru Sugiura and published by Shueisha in "Fun Book" (おもしろブック?). It was reprinted in 2014 in Godzilla Manga Collection 1954-58. The manga serves as a tie-in to the Omoshiro BukkuShowa film Godzilla Raids Again.
Rampage Godzilla was published in the June 1955 issue of "Fun Book", which would later be known as "Boys' Club" (しょうねんブック?). Shōnen Kurabbu
Godzilla wants to become a professional wrestler and so challenges five newcomers: Anguirus, Gyottos, Sugon, Zottos, and Osoros.