Sekhmet, also dubbed Titanus Sekhmet, is a giant lion-like daikaiju created by Legendary Pictures that appears in Legendary's 2019 film, Godzilla: King of the Monsters, as an ancient carving and later as a name briefly seen on a monitor.
"Sekhmet" was a warrior and healing goddess in Ancient Egyptian mythology, a solar and war deity (often another form of either the love goddess Hathor or the cat goddess Bast) depicted as a lioness whose breath was said to form deserts.
Though not seen physically in the film, Sekhmet can be seen as an ancient carving in the opening sequence of Godzilla: King of the Monsters. In the carving, Sekhmet greatly resembles a lioness with a thin mane of fur growing from her head and down the length of her back. Her most notable differences appear to be a pair of avian-like hindlimbs with grasping claws, and a pair of feathery wings sprouting from her shoulders. Michael Dougherty has reiterated that Sekhmet has feline traits akin to a sphinx or a lioness.[1]
Godzilla: King of the Monsters[]
At some point, Monarch discovered Sekhmet hibernating in Cairo, Egypt, and subsequently built Outpost 65 around her. When Ghidorah calls upon all the Titans, Sekhmet breaks free and begins to hunt with her new pack, destroying a railway amongst other structures. When the ORCA calls all Titans to Boston, Sekhmet does not arrive in time for the battle and does not see Godzilla become the alpha of all Titans again (except Kong).
- The outpost Sekhmet was contained in, Monarch Outpost 65, is a possible reference to the 1965 Toho film Invasion of Astro-Monster.
- The train wreckage that Sekhmet caused is a reutilized shot of the train wreckage seen in the 2012 Comic-Con trailer and the official teaser trailer for Godzilla.
- The ancient carving of Sekhmet was inspired by illustration of a winged lion from Babylonian mythology.
- Her general description as lion-shaped along with her emergence in a Middle-Eastern country are similar to the appearances of the Griffons in Monster Apocalypse and Norzzug in Godzilla: The Series.
List of appearances[]
- Godzilla: King of the Monsters (Her name appears on a monitor screen)